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Requiem (Remington Carter Book 2) Page 2

  I reached up and brushed back a lock of that midnight hair that had fallen over Dylan’s forehead, flicking my gaze to Beck I saw pretty much the same thing. “I think I need to think about this a bit,” I said. “I’m not sure about it, and I haven’t really gone very far before. I feel like I’ve known you both forever, but in reality, it hasn’t been that long.”

  I was glad I made the decision to think on it. I couldn't say I wasn't disappointed that I might only choose one of them, or neither of them, but maybe that would have been for the best. I didn't wish to ruin our friendships, and I knew they’d leave at the end of summer to return to their school. I pushed that thought out of my head, as I really didn't need to think about them leaving just yet. I wished Alex were there to talk to.

  “You don’t need to decide anything right now. If you only want friendship, I’m okay with that, and I know Dylan would be as well.” Beckett, for once, was being sincere and earnest. I knew they would never push anything on me. Dylan chimed in echoing my thoughts.

  “We wouldn’t pressure you into anything, Remi girl. Beck is right, if you only want friendship, then that’s what you’ll have.”

  I twisted to put my arms around them both, and they reciprocated, enveloping me. They'd smelled of mint and apples, stronger than from the trees around us. The thought briefly crossed my mind to find out where the scent came from. Maybe it was a British product they used.

  “I should probably be getting home, guys. I’m helping with dinner tonight. So, I’ll message you guys after I’m in my room for the night, alright?”

  We all got up, straightening our clothes, and picked grass and leaves out of our hair, helping each other with any missed debris. The boys walked me back home, both holding one of my hands, only letting go when we got to the edge of the orchard. They stayed there to watch until I went inside my front door. I waved to let them know I’d gotten in and was safe, waiting to close it until they waved back and disappeared into the trees. I went upstairs to freshen up for dinner and then on to the kitchen to start the meal. My mind was in turmoil trying to decide what I would do.

  Later that night, as I laid in bed and tried to figure out what to say to them, my phone buzzed. The screen lit with a message from Beck, and when I opened it, there was a picture. It was of him, encompassing from his neck to his thighs. Thighs that were only covered by snug-fitting, low-hanging boxer briefs.

  I almost swallowed my tongue when a second one popped up. That one had his hand in his shorts. I quickly texted him to stop. I didn't need any more incentive to think it all over than I already had. He apologized, but with the little smirky face he sent along with it, I doubted he was very repentant.

  Finally, I decided to just go for it. I did a group text and told them that I was alright with seeing how things went, as long as they were both okay with it. Two messages came back almost immediately. Yes, they were ‘very okay with it.’ Beck sent another asking me to send a pic, and Dylan got on his case about it. A short argument ensued via text messaging. I kinda cracked up that they were arguing while in the same house.

  I ended the argument when I sent my own pic. Me topless but with my arm crossed over my breasts, hiding my nipples to keep it somewhat chaste. Beckett said he was making it his new wallpaper, and Dylan didn't make a peep about it. He eventually sent a message telling me exactly how sexy he thought I was. After threats to Beck regarding my picture as wallpaper, I told them both goodnight. Snuggled into my bed warm and content, I fell quickly asleep.

  Chapter Two

  The following days were much the same: the twins and I, inseparable. I messaged Alex at her grandparents but kept it vague. I loved her like a sister, yet I wasn't ready to share. I hadn't gotten any further with the guys. I’d hesitated because I wasn't sure how this would work out long-term, or even if it would at all. For one, it was unconventional. Two, they were only there for the summer. And three, well, we weren't exactly adults, and feelings could change. Plus, there was no telling if their dad would still be here next summer, and I wasn’t sure how we’d stay in contact.

  We were teenagers, and the likelihood of us staying together was, unfortunately, fairly slim. Not to mention what our parents or friends would have said about being with both of them. Add onto that, college and life plans, and it made it all very uncertain for me.

  Their birthday was coming up, and they had secret plans they had been making. I decided to wait to talk to them until afterwards, so we could celebrate without any worries. I was so hung up on them already, I dreaded having the discussion.

  My phone lit up with an incoming message:

  Come meet us in the orchard.

  That was our usual meeting place. Halfway between the houses and plenty of privacy. I pulled my shoes on and yelled to my mom in the other room that I was heading out.

  I made my way to our tree, the one where we first met, and found them both waiting for me.

  “What are you two up to today?” I asked suspiciously. They were both wearing identical devious smiles. Beck answered first, ever the impatient one

  “We finished our birthday plans. Now we just have to convince you to go with us.”

  At that, Dylan looked slightly uncertain but didn't say anything. Did he not want me involved?

  “Convince me to do what with you?” I asked.

  “This!” Beckett showed me his phone screen, and I saw a tattoo parlor on it. My brows rose in question. “We want to get tattoos for our birthday, and we want you to get one with us,” he explained.

  “If you want to, that is. You don’t have to,” Dylan chimed in finally.

  “I’m not old enough to get one without my parents’ permission and I’m not sure they’d give it,” I answered, quietly embarrassed. Beck didn't let that slow him down, though.

  “We know one of the guys that works there, and he’ll do it on his off time. He’s really good. We know him from school. He just graduated and has his own place.” I wavered at Becks encouragement, but tattoos? Ouch.

  “How about you two go ahead, and I’ll think about it?” I wouldn't outright say no, but I just wasn't sure. My parents would kill me. “Also, that place is in New York, how are you planning to handle that?”

  “We’re going to stay the weekend and get them done,” Dylan piped up. “Our parents will be gone at a work retreat and so will your parents.” I was surprised, as I hadn't heard about that yet, but it wasn't uncommon that I’d be home while my parents went out. Usually, though, I stayed with Alex, so I wasn't sure what Mom and Dad had planned for me.

  “So, are you in?” Dylan asked me.

  “I’ll have to find out what my mom has planned for while they’re away, but it sounds like fun. No promises on getting one, though. Not sure how I’d explain a random tattoo. How do you plan to explain it?” I couldn't imagine that their parents would be okay with it, but I also hadn't met them, either.

  “They’ll never notice, and we only have to avoid them seeing it for a year, anyway. I doubt they’d really care,” Beck answered before Dylan had a chance to.

  We moved on from the topic with my promise to see if I could go and onto what we were doing that day. Beckett wanted to go see the new movie, something about a haunted doll, while Dylan tried to avoid it. I didn't think Dylan was a big horror fan, but I loved horror, so I went in with wanting to go, which of course, meant that we were going.

  Later that evening, my mom brought up the retreat, and that she and my dad were going to be gone for the weekend. She wanted to see if Alex’s parents would let me stay there, but I talked her into letting me stay home. She’d been reluctant at first, but finally caved when my dad said he “couldn't see why not.”

  I texted the guys that the trip was a go, and my phone went nuts with all the happy emojis they sent back.


  “Okay, so let me get this straight. You met two, extremely attractive twins, messed around with them and then made plans to sneak off to New York?” Alex is indignant. Not that I can
blame her—I never really gave her all the details. “And where is this tattoo? I’ve seen you naked and never noticed it.”

  “Just wait, I’m not finished. I need a drink and something to eat, though. And before you get on me about it, I did tell you the majority of this, I just left some details out. Like, that I was fooling around with them both. And that I was sneaking out. I felt odd about it, like it happened to someone else. It had been done and over with so fast it didn’t seem real. Not to mention, I haven’t seen nor talked to them until last night.” I was so confused—and hurt, too, if I wanted to admit it to myself.

  “I’m ready to hear more about Ethan,” she says. “I want details, woman. You’re not getting out of it this time. Also, as soon as you’re done explaining everything, we’re gonna talk about Eli. I know something happened, and I’ll wait, not so patiently, mind you, to find out. I think you’ve turned into a one-woman soap opera.”

  We gather our snacks and drinks and go back to her room after finding her roommate and her roommates’ boyfriend on the couch. No way do I want to chance them overhearing any of this.

  “Alright, so we made our plans to go to their friend’s place in New York. I should have known what would happen, but hindsight and all that right…”

  Chapter Three

  Five Years Ago…

  “Guys I’m seriously nervous about this,” I said, worried as we pulled out-of-town bound for New York City. It had become real as we passed the city limits sign. “If my parents find out, they’ll never let me stay home alone again.”

  “Duckie, it’ll be fine. And we’ll have fun, you’ll see.” Beck, the ever outgoing, reckless one, wouldn't even entertain the thought of getting caught or the consequences. Dylan at least gave me a sympathetic glance in the rearview mirror. I sighed and settled in for the drive.

  I must have fallen asleep for the two-hour drive, despite my anxiety, as I woke to Dylan shaking my shoulder.

  “We’re here, Remi.”

  I looked around and saw we were at a warehouse type building. Dylan explained their friend lived in a loft apartment. I went to grab my bag, but Beck already had it, so I just hooked my purse over my shoulder and followed them to an outer door. Upon entering, I saw a set of stairs that went up, and I trailed behind Beck, Dylan bringing up the rear. I was still a little sleep dazed, but still took in the paint peeling off the cinder block walls in the stairwell and the musty basement-like smell from a lack of air conditioning. Summer in New York was sweltering.

  At the landing, Beck went to a metal door and hit the buzzer. I hadn't noticed one downstairs and wondered at the security since we were in the city. A shirtless guy in sweats and bare feet answered the door. He stepped back to gesture us in. Beck embraced him, doing the bro-back-slap, and then Dylan was up next. I stood awkwardly just inside the door, waiting for them to finish their greeting.

  Beck noticed first and dropped the bags, slinging his arm around my shoulders and pulling me forward with him.

  “Derby, this is our friend Remi. She’s come to celebrate our birthday with us. Remi, Derby. He’s Alan’s boyfriend and roommate. Alan’s still at work right now, but he will be the one doing our ink.”

  Derby said hello, and I had to wonder if that was his real name, even though I was nearly positive it wasn't.

  “There’s only one spare room, and you can put your stuff in there, but we can make up the couch for Remi, if that works for you all.” Derby then directed us toward the room. I noted the bed was queen-sized and figured the guys were probably fine with sharing.

  “That’s okay. I’m sure Remi doesn’t mind bunking with us. Do you, Remi?”

  Put on the spot by Dylan, I was surprised it had been him to initiate it instead of Beck, who I’d expect it from. I glanced back and forth between the two. Beck seemed to be on board with the idea, and I wasn't opposed to it—even if it made me a bit hot under the collar.

  I nodded. “That’s fine with me. But don’t complain if I hog the covers.”

  If it surprised Derby, he didn't show it. He just nodded in agreeance and finished pointing out the bathroom and where the towels were stored in a hall closet.

  “So, what are your plans for the day?” Derby asked. “You can hang out here if you want, until Alan is off, or take Remi around to some of the tourist spots if she hasn’t been here before.” He looked at me for an answer.

  “I’ve been through the city a few times, but never got to see much. Dylan? Beckett? What do you guys want to do?” I waited for their answer, not sure what they had planned.

  “We can go have lunch and see the sights if you’d like. There’s a really good Italian place not far from here, and it’s not formal so we don’t have to change.” Dylan kept answering everything while Beck remained silent. I wondered what he was up to. He had never been that quiet.

  I freshened up in the bathroom before we left and applied some mascara and gloss as well. I rarely wore cosmetics, as I hadn't been allowed to until recently and was still getting the hang of it. I hadn’t put any on earlier in case I ended up with raccoon eyes if I fell asleep in the car. I'd eventually figure out how other girls did it without waking up to a mess.

  Dylan drove again, and I asked Beck what his issue was.

  “I don’t have one really. Are you sure you’re alright sleeping with us?” He seemed worried about it.

  “I don’t have to, if it makes you uncomfortable.” This was awkward. I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I thought he had a problem with it. Maybe I had read him wrong?

  “No, I’m fine with it. Just checking that you are.” After that, he shook off his funk and started asking about things I wanted to do while we were here. We decided to try an off-Broadway show matinee after lunch, then back to Alan and Derby’s after dinner. By then we had arrived at the restaurant and pulled into a parking space.

  “Ginny’s is a place we like to go when we get passes at school," Beck explained. "Dylan, do you want a booth or a table?” The hostess overheard Beck’s question and let us know, if we wanted a table, there would be a bit of a wait, but a booth was available now.

  When we got there, I saw why Beck had asked. I was going to have to pick a side, and we usually avoided any type of choosing. I slid into the booth first and left the decision up to them. Dylan sat opposite and said he’d get to sit on my side next time.

  The hostess handed out our menus, told us the specials for the day and that our server would be right over.

  “Is there something specific I should get, or is it all good?” I enquired, looking the menu over.

  “The chicken parmesan is the best, in my opinion,” Dylan answered. Beck agreed with him. We all decided to have the same and set the menus on the edge of the table for our server to pick up. When she came, it was apparent she knew the guys.

  “Dylan! Beckett! I haven’t seen you guys all summer. Where have you been hiding?” She completely ignored me in the corner of the booth while the guys gave her non-answers. At that point, she remembered she was working and asked for our orders. “Have you decided what you’d like?” They both gave their orders and I added in mine. She barely looked at me as asked about drinks.

  “Do you have sweet tea?”

  That got a grimace and a no, but they did have plain, and I could use the sugar on the table.

  “You two having your usual Cokes?” She steered the order back to the guys, and I was getting the drift she was interested in one, or both, of them. Couldn't say I blamed her, even if it was a bit annoying being ignored when she was supposed to be our server. I nearly snorted when Beck answered. Apparently, I hadn't been the only one that noticed.

  “I think we’ll both have tea as well. Right, brother?”

  Dylan agreed with Beck’s choice, and the blonde got squinty-eyed in annoyance. She hid it beneath a smile, saying she’d be right back with our drinks.

  “Don’t mind Alicia. She’s still a bit butt hurt after Dylan turned down her invite to a party during winter break.” Beck throw
s his brother directly under the bus.

  Boys. They could have given me a heads up.

  Alicia brought our drinks, dropping them off without issue, and soon after, our plates. The guys had been on the mark for this being a great place for food. I nearly cleaned my plate completely, much to their amusement.

  “What? It’s good," I said as I mopped up some sauce with my bread.

  Dylan held his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t say anything! I’m just surprised you could eat it all. Can you walk, or do I need to carry you?” He wasn't wrong in his assessment. I was almost uncomfortably full, but it was so worth it. I informed him I could walk just fine. Pretty sure I wouldn't waddle, at least.

  Beck went to pay the bill, after telling me to hush when I offered to chip in. I shrugged; no point in complaining about him paying. We were on our way to the theater, when we passed a photo booth.

  “Guys, I want pictures. Come on.”

  They squeezed in, with me on their laps. After a few rounds of those, we did some alone so we could swap. With a handful of strips in my purse, we happily made our way to the theater to see a play about a jilted woman and her revenge. It was funny and lighthearted, and we all enjoyed it immensely. I was worn out as we made our way back to the apartment.

  We arrived to find Alan home with his gear all set up. I’d decided to get the tattoo but hadn’t told the guys yet. Plus, I wasn’t sure he’d be able to do it.

  I watched while Dylan got an apple on his upper arm. He said it was the first part of a sleeve he wanted. Beck had an intricate skeletal tree done between his shoulder blades. I was touched by what they chose, even if they’d be incorporated into bigger pieces later on. I knew then that I had decided well on what I wanted for my own.